Saturday 2 July 2011


i'm very sorry about the complete lack of post's, but my internet went down for months, when it came back, the computer broke and since its been fixed i've been useless and not posted anything.

anyway, this account is giving me alot of grief on my computer, i'm on my friends now, and have had to make a new account and start a new blog.

The new blog will be much the same as this one but i will focus more on stuff for you guys, then for me. That and a funky new title and slogan is all thats different. Visit the blog here:

again, very sorry for the delay!

Thursday 12 May 2011

Day 17


did roughly 25 pull ups and 10 minutes shadow sparring

Day 16


still tired to do what i could,

5 pull ups
15 strikes shadow sparring
3 incline pull ups
15 strikes shadow sparring
3 wide grip pull ups
15 strikes shadow sparring

didn't take long, wasn't hard but i was ill.

Day 15

3x 3x5 minutes MMA shadow sparring.
alternated between shadow sparring and ground work with my rolled up mat.

also did some pull ups and stuff but wasn't really counted. probably did about 30-50 because i did 5 every time i passed my chin up bar.

Sunday 8 May 2011

Day 14

Private session was called off today, re-booked for Saturday though.

3x5 minutes MMA shadow sparring

i switched between shadow sparring and grappling/ground and pound with my rolled up exercise mat.

1 mile cycling 
50 hindu squats
5 minutes cycling

1st mile was on gear 1 and was completed in roughly 3 minutes 40 seconds (i went all out)
the 5 minutes was on gear 10 and the aim was to see how far i could get. i got to over a half mile.
Needless to say i needed a few minutes after the squats. My aim is to eventually get to a mile in 5 minutes. This almost killed me.

20 bicycle crunches
20 dorsal raises
20 leg raisers
20 dorsal raises
5 improvised ab wheels
5 hanging leg raisers
20 good mornings
30 kayak twists

had to put my hands under my bum eventually, on leg raisers
improvised ab wheels were done with dumbbells but they didn't roll probably, so i had to roll them on my forearms which hurt a bit.

Saturday 7 May 2011

Skills vs basics

Hi all!
i've recently hit a dilemma in my training. i don't know whether to do these class's or do exercises at home. The classes aren't extremely hard at all, but they do make me ache from all the grappling, meaning i can't exercise for that day.

So its either be skill full but not incredibly fit or be really fit but not incredibly skill full.
So here's my solution:
do a private session that only focuses on skills once a week, so it doesn't over exert me, so i can still train.
But unfortunantly its incredibly expensive. 30 pounds an hour. So i'm only going to do it every other week, starting tomorrow. I'll tell you how it goes!

Day 13

Posts went weird yesterday and day 11 is after day 12, oh well. Today is a full day.

5+ miles cycling
15 seconds all out at 1,2,3,4 and 5 mile marks after the 15seconds another 15 seconds of all out but with shadow boxing as well.

0 to 0.5 miles was sort of a warm up at 6 mph. then it ranged between 8-10 mph for the first 3 miles then roughly 12mph for the last 2. 1 gear up from last time. Gear 3. total  time: 29 minutes (roughly)

3x15 concentration curls (each)
3x30 tricep extensions ( 1 DB for both arms)

15 lateral raises
15 front raises
25 DB rows

2x8 shoulder presses (barbell)

4 hours later

20 push ups
20 bicycle crunches
20 hindu squats

3x3 minutes bag work
3x3 minutes skipping
2x2 minutes in fighting
2x2 minutes out boxing

1 minute rest inbetween each round and exercise.

This took very long.

i've got another post ready, i'll put it up today or tomorrow.

Friday 6 May 2011

Day 11

Went to another box wrestle class today but this one wasn't nearly as good as there was no one of my age there, just littl'ns. but i did manage to do some pull ups as well:
(full for all of them)
5x5 pull ups
5x3 close grip pull ups
5x3 wide grip pull ups

and maybe some shadow boxing throughout the day.

Day 12

i go to a table tennis class on Fridays and useally train before as it goes on till 9 but i stupidly locked myself out of the house and barely made it in time for table tennis.

Table tennis 2 hours 30 minutes

Defo doing a full day tomorrow as it's been quite relaxed for days in a row.

2 posts lined up that aren't daily training


Day 10

sorry i haven't posted the last 3 days, i've been quite busy.

I don't really remember what i did on wednesday but it was at least some grappling but wasn't done with a timer so these numbers are an estimate
10 minutes grappling
10 minutes shadow sparring

I know it would make sense to just do 1 post called day 10,11 and 12 but i have a little thing about doing a post a day.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Day 9

did another class today, box wrestling.
we started with a little warm ups and then did a round or two of:
push ups
mountain climbers
roughly twenty seconds per exercise
then we did some mitt work, working certain combos, etc.
then we did
20 seconds burpies (with sprawl)
20 seconds push ups
20 seconds non-stop straights

20 seconds squats
20 seconds bicycle crunches
20 seconds non stop hooks

20 seconds lunges
20 seconds mountain climbers
20 seconds non stop boxing (any strikes)

then we did some boxing and then wrestling
30 seconds non stop hitting
30 seconds grappling
x roughly 6-8

then we finished with a cool down. I may not be the best there technically as this is only my 2nd time going but i think i surprised them with my stamina and strength.

Untill next time!

Monday 2 May 2011

Day 8

3 close grip chin ups
3 chin ups
3 wide grip chin ups

this wasn't really a circuit on the second run through, i just did it between adverts.

3x3 minute rounds grappling and ground and pound
3x3 minute rounds heavy bag work
3 minutes skipping
5x3 minutes shadow sparring

grappling and ground and pound was done with a rolled up mat. Not with a person
2nd round of bag work was mainly close up.
would have done 3 rounds skipping but my leg didn't feel right again.

30 alternating bicep curls
30 tricep extensions

15 front raises
15 lateral raises

May have another relaxed day tomorrow, my muscles are aching.

Sunday 1 May 2011

Day 7

5+ miles cycling

went roughly 7-10mph for the first 2.5 miles, then stepped it up to 9-12mph until 4.3 miles, where i cranked it out at 12-15mph. Also every mile i went all out for 15 seconds, then went as fast as i could for another 15 seconds, while shadow boxing hard. The reason it says '+' is i did the all out at the 5 mile mark and then did some light cycling as a coold down for a few minutes, so it was more like 5.2/3 miles. Was on gear 3/10 for all of it. Not going to raise the distance untill i can do it on gear 10. This wasn't too hard. I reckon i could finish this on at least gear 5.

3x15 concentration curls (each)
30 tricep extensions
30 tricep dips
25 tricep extensions

15 front raises
15 lateral raises
20 DB rows (each)
8 shoulder presses

20 Fedor punches
1 min plyo push ups
1 min crab walking
1 min punching with bands
50 strikes to heavy bag

3 mins skipping

3 mins heavy bag work
3 mins dodging practice

meant to do more skipping but my left leg wasn't feeling right. I got my mum to throw tennis balls at me for the dodging practice. I didn't have to dodge most of them but she still didn't hit me once, from roughly 2 metres away. Wasn't really feeling it today, not sure why.

Saturday 30 April 2011

Day 6

30 minutes in goal
30 minutes playing football

i was at a friends house and he has a little goal in his garden so i tried to better my reflexes in goal and because of the heat, it was so tiring played football.

wanted to do a bit more today but had to do some family stuff.

Tomorrow is a full day.

Friday 29 April 2011

Day 5

2 mins skipping
1 min rest
2 mins bouncy ball catching
1 min rest

focused on footwork in the skipping. I'm getting so fast with skipping that i need to do doubles every skip to improve, which is incredibly hard.

bouncy ball catching was the same as tennis ball catching but it flung off my wall in even more awkward positions.

the rest wasn't really needed but i didn't want to over exert myself as this was supposed to be a relaxed day.

Played some football at a friends house. tried to stay in goal for as long as i could.
30 minutes in goal

Thursday 28 April 2011

Day 4

40 seconds weighted squats
40 seconds rest
40 seconds weighted lunges
40 seconds rest
40 seconds weighted calf raises
40 seconds rest

10 plyo squats
10 plyo lunges
10 box jumps
10 step ups
10 plyo calf jumps

this hurt.

15 concentration curls (each)
25 tricep extensions (1DB for both hands)

7 wrist twists
7 reverse wrist twists
7 both wrist twists
20 wrist curls
20 reverse wrist curls

1 mile cycling - 3/10 12mph+
50 hindu squats
1 mile cycling - 2/10 12mph+ mainly 15mpg+

this really hurt.

3x5 minutes shadow sparring

God i hate leg workouts! but it needs to be done. wrist exercises was kinda wrist rehabilitation for me but was also research into some training i'm going to be starting soon, increasing grip strength. My legs were killing me when i got to the shadow sparring, so it was really shadow boxing as i didn't use my legs much. i did throw in some knees and sprawled a few times.

Tomorrow will be a relaxed day, i may do some accuracy training and work on some footwork but it will mainly be a rest day. The day after i plan on doing some grip work and possibly some shadow sparring. Two very chilled days after these 4 days of gruelling training.


Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 3

15 chest presses
20 flys
8 perfect push ups
6 wide grip chin ups

30 seconds medicine ball slams
30 seconds leg raisers
30 seconds dorsal raises
30 seconds bicycle crunches
30 seconds wood chops
30 seconds cross wood chops
30 seconds good mornings
30 seconds kayak twists
1 min plank
1 min side plank (30 secs each way)
second set: instead of side plank: 30 seconds neck bridging and 30 seconds gymnastics bridge

50 in and out elbows
50 bicycle crunches
50 kayak twists
10 hanging leg raisers (5,3,2)

3x2 min grappling
1 min rest inbetween sets

3x3 min bag work
1:30 seconds rest inbetween sets

3 mins tennis ball catching
3 mins tennis ball keepy ups

2 miles cycling - total time: 9 minutes 10 seconds
1st mile on 4/10 difficulty 12-15 mph
2nd mile on 2/10 difficulty 12-15 mph
but last 0.2 miles on 1 going 18mph +

100 standing calf raises

no rest inbetween circuits on the first bit.

the bag work was mainly kick orientated, as i have a scab on my knuckle from using the boxing bag without gloves. I did also work in the jab and elbows though.

i tried to imitate punching when catching the tennis ball. I did an underarm throw but caught it with an overarm grip.

my best on tennis ball juggling was 7. You are allowed to use knees and chest but chest doesn't count towards your record/best. I chested it twice in my 7, actually doing 9 but the aim of this is to improve footwork, accuracy and timing.


Tuesday 26 April 2011

Day 2

1 mile run switching from running, side stepping, heel flicks and high knees
2x5 minute light shadow sparring

I was going to run 3 miles but my nose was blocked, stopping me from breathing properly and i started feeling strain in my knee and i'm not getting another injury any time soon. It was supposed to be 3x5 minutes of shadow sparring but i was up early this morning and my parents were in bed so i couldn't be too loud. Also i wasn't really feeling it this morning, it was hard to stay on my toes and i wasn't getting form right at all.

2x15 DB shoulder press
15 lateral raises
15 front raises
25 DB rows (each)
3x15 concentration curls
20 alternating tricep extensions (1DB per hand)
2x 25, 20 tricep extensions (1DB for both hands)


Pull ups
hindu squats
bicycle crunches
push ups

20 seconds on
10 seconds off

3x3 minutes jump rope

1 minute punching with dumbells
1 minute rest
1 minute kicking with ankle weights
1 minute rest

Cranked out some hard shadow sparring on the last minute of rest

Also walked for an 40 minutes total, but i do that every school day so i won't mention it every day.

I'll sort out the labels sometime this week but i'm zonked now so...


Monday 25 April 2011

Day 1

This is the first day of my new randomny training. (yes, i did just make up a word)

I did:
15 bicep curls
20 DB shoulder presses

10x1 snatch clean squat and double press (not sure if that's the real name, actually pretty sure its not :P)

Then me and my friend went to a health club, swam for half an hour, played badminton for an hour and then messed around on some bars. I tried to do a muscle and failed pretty hard. I haven't done any pull ups or anything for months because of my wrist so i struggle with 5 full pull ups. But i did do 3x5 dips 3x5 pull ups
and played around for ages, climbing a pole with just my hands, etc.

 My wrist isn't actually hurt in a way that stops me training, But i'm sure training isn't helping it. I'm going to take it easy on the arms for the next few days.

Tomorrow i plan on doing a master HSDK workout from real anime training, details of which i'll post tomorrow.

I have just discovered labels!!! seeing as from now i'm going to post my training everyday, i'll label that something and my none daily training something else, so you can easily filter my training i post for myself and the stuff i post for you guys.


Saturday 23 April 2011

What to do, What to do

So as you guys know i've finished my new training schedule but i'm not entirely happy with it. It incorporates too much of one thing and too little of another. But then i realise i'm never gonna be entirely happy with a training programme but the best thing is to do something, regardless of how perfect it is. So i'm going to make another training programme that is simple, improves strength, stamina, speed and fighting skills. And i'm going to stick to it.

I'm not going to try and plan out what to do everyday or do it randomly. I'm going to try and find a healthy mid-point, Maybe picking a few workouts on Sunday to do the next week. I'm still going to take it incredibly seriously though. It's going to be hardcore but not planned to every detail.


Wednesday 20 April 2011

New training schedule finished and notes

I've finally finished my new schedule so i'll post that up in parts. But i won't be starting it any time soon because my wrist is now broken. I was sure it was perfect when i came back from holiday, so i went to play some footy with the lads and put my hand out to stop a seemingly slow ball. But it was a lot harder then i expected and crunched my left hand back. The shock actually caused me to faint as well and i face planted, wrecking my jaw.

It was a pretty shitty day, truth be told. Oh well, everything gets better eventually.

Have a nice train!

Sunday 17 April 2011


Back from my holiday, which was extremely fun, and my wrist is pretty much better. The doctor did say it could be up to 12 weeks and it hasn't been 2, so i'm going to rest it for this whole week and it'll be 100 percent, i'm sure. Looking forward to upcoming posts, Stay in touch!


Saturday 9 April 2011


Hi all,
no posts for a week i'm afraid, i'm going on holiday!
Everyone needs a break every now and again. I've made pretty frequent post's so far, and am struggling to think up post's so i've come up with a new schedule:
Monday: Video of me completing a workout i've mentioned or from real anime training
Tuesday: Nothing
Wednesday: Monday and Tuesdays training
Thursday: New workout - one i've made up or found on the internet
Friday: Random and Wednesday and Thursdays training
Saturday: Nothing
Sunday: Friday, Saturday and Sundays training


Thursday 7 April 2011

HIIT - For cardio

High intensity interval training (HIIT) is commonly used to increase cardiovascular fitness (Cardio). HIIT is a very broad term for training in intervals. More specific interval training styles are things like 'Tabata' and the 'little method'. Tabata in particular is extremely popular used by MMA fighters and commonly used in a fitness organisation called 'Crossfit'. I've been testing out different methods of interval training because i really don't like long distance cycling and running. Interval training is excepted as better then long distance anyway. So here's the best i've got so far. It kills.

3 minutes warm up (6mph)

30 seconds (15mph +)
30 seconds (5mph MAX)

5 minutes cool down  (6mph MAX)

This is what i've so far and i might change it before i post my new training schedule
as always have a nice train

Wednesday 6 April 2011

F.G.B Training

F.G.B is a type of training devised by crossfit. F.G.B stands for 'fight gone bad' because there are 5 5minute rounds but instead of fighting for 5 minutes, its 5 1 minute periods of exercising. one Cross fit one is:

1min pull ups
1min press ups
1min wall ball
1min sit up
1min kettle bell swings

It's generally 5. you have a 1min rest in between each round. A lot of MMA fighters use this method of training as well, Brock Lesnar and Sean Sherk come to mind, but they take it to the extreme by doing a different exercise for every minute. Here's one i came up with, working the whole body:

1min sledgehammer swings to a tire
1min tire flips
1min plyo push ups
1min bear crawl
1min rope climb
1min rest

1min Fedor punching
1min bag flips
1min power ball left hand
1min power ball right hand
1min Fedor punching
1min rest

1min box jumps
1min step ups
1min skipping
1min plyo squats
1min cycling (as hard as possible)
1min rest

1min ab wheels
1min wrestlers bridge
1min ab wheels
1min gymnast bridge
1min plank
1min rest

5min rowing (hard as possible)

- Fedor punching:
i'm sure this has another name but i have no idea what, comment to let me know!

- this is a full body workout that i may implement into my new training plan. Maybe a few times a week.

- the power ball is one of those hand held things that you shake.

Thanks a lot!

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Injurys and notes

Hi all! This is a little post on the complications of injury, short term and long term. As you know i hurt my wrist recently. After nearly 4 weeks of recovery, there have been no signs of improvement. I can't do a pull up or lift my heavy barbell. So i went to the docter. He said i had injured the cap between my forearm and wrist and have to rest it for up to 12 weeks. AAAAHHHHHH. This sucks. But i'll focus on my legs, core and conditioning for now. Chances are i'll recover before 12 weeks. So i'm trying to stay optimistic and if any of you ever have an injury, i suggest you stay optimistic too! And if i or any of you ever get an injury that stops your career, i would be incredibly sad but like Luffy says 'then i would die knowing i tried' But replace die with end or something.

I'm just trying to say if ever receive a career threatening injury, even though it may seem like it, it's not the end of the  world.

Stay optimistic! Try and live life with as much energy as Goku!


Monday 4 April 2011

My short term goals

Hi everyone! I just wanted to discuss my short term goals with you today. Setting goals is very important to your training, otherwise - what do you have to aim for? Even if you do have a long term goal, like me. (becoming an MMA fighter) I understand i'm not gonna be an MMA fighter overnight and i need to set myself short term goals to prevent me from becoming bored and have something i can accomplish soonish. Here are a few i have set for myself:

1) To be able to do 20 full pull ups (no kipping)

2) To do 250 Hindu squats (i can't let my friend train harder then me!! :P)

3) To be able to clean and jerk 50KG

4) To be able to bench 40 KG

That's all i've got at the moment, the weight related goals are an estimate at what i can't do. I actually don't know as i can't put any more weight onto my 20KG Olympic bar because the collars are broken.

As always, have a nice train!

Sunday 3 April 2011

The Hindu squat

Hi all, I've posted this today to explain an exercise known as the Hindu squat. The Hindu squat is an excellent leg exercise that I do in my leg workouts. It is harder then an ordinary squat in 2 ways.

1) you get as low as possible. seriously, try and touch the floor with your ass.

2) It has a different breathing pattern. in normal squats, and most exercises, you breath in on the way down and out on the way up. in Hindu squats, you breath out on the way down and in on the way up, increasing muscle contraction. Here's a video on how to complete with proper form.

Despite being harder then a regular squat, Hindu squats are surprisingly easy to get high reps on. Even tho it kills like a mofo after 40-50 you find you can carry on regardless. My friend once said he did 250 Hindu squats in a row, which was his maximum, and I, aching badly after doing 50, didn't believe him. So I counted my maximum and actually got to 187. And that's after doing Hindu squats for a week. Imagine how many we could do after months of training Hindu squats!

One man who really brought this bodyweight exercise to elite sportsman is a wrestler called Karl Gotch. He was known for only doing bodyweight exercises. Despite not being the best way to train, he was incredibly successful, showing the world the importance of bodyweight exercises. I personally, as well as nearly all of the champions in most kinds of sports realise that you cannot be the best with just bodyweight exercises, but there are really essential. Karl himself was famed for once doing 9001 straight Hindu squats, with no rest, and it took him 4 and a half hours. He did 4000 Hindu squats a day. He was a monster. Look him up.

I posted this because i think Hindu squats are the best squat you can do for leg strength and power. I really think, if you don't already do them, you should incorporate them in you workout. It's also incredibly satisfying getting high reps on a bodyweight exercise.

As always, have a nice train!

Saturday 2 April 2011

My new leg workout!

I promised I'd upload this today, so here it is!

50 hindu squats
50 lunges
50 calf raises
3 min rest

3x6 split squats - 20 kg
3x8 dead lifts - 20 kg

10 plyo squats
10 plyo lunges
10 plyo calf jumps
30 seconds rest

10 I don't know the name ( the exercise gsp did on an exercise ball on the legs circuit) each leg
5 squat thrusts
10 mountain climbers
5 high knee jumps
no rest

10 second box jumps
10 second step ups
10 second skipping
no rest

- between each little section have up to 5 minutes rest

- for the ten seconds skipping, it's a little bit of a hassle picking up a skipping rope every time, especially if you have an interval timer, and as this is a leg exercise, just don't use a rope. just hop.

I hope most of the other exercises are well known. if not, google it! this is a very difficult workout but, as i did my warm up and cool down, I didn't ache one bit in the morning.

Have a nice train!

My Training - week B - day 6 and 7

Hi all this is the last two days of the training i've been doing for a few month's. i've already talked about changing up altogether so I'll post up exactly what I'm doing some time in the future but for now I'll finish up week B.

Day 6: Skill training
the workout is split into 5 parts, you don't have to do one after the other, and as there pretty time consuming you can run over into day 7's rest day.

1. punch circuit
10 jabs
10 straights
10 left hooks
10 right hooks
10 left uppercuts
10 right uppercuts
5 superman punches
x5 1 speedy 1 strong 3 on bag

2. kick circuit
10 left front kicks
10 right front kicks
5 left inside leg kick
5 left outside leg kick
5 right inside leg kick
5 right outside leg kick
10 left kick to ribs
10 right kick to ribs
10 left head kicks
10 right head kicks
x5 1 speedy 1 strong 3 on bag

3. elbows, knees and clinch
10 left hook elbows, overhead elbows, uppercut elbows (all 3 = 1 rep)
10 right hook elbows, overhead elbows, uppercut elbows
5 left spinning elbows
5 right spinning elbows
5 left clinch knees to body
5 right clinch knees to body
5 left clinch knees to head
5 right clinch knees to head
5 flying knees
x5 (usual trend)

4. grappling circuit
10 shoots
10 double underhook takedown to guard
10 double underhook takedown to side control
10 sprawls
10 sprawls to slam to side control
10 cage takedowns
10 slams
20 position changes
20 position changes on back
x5 (no bag)

5. fight circuit
3x3 min muay thai rounds (to bag or, if available, sparring with a partner)
3x1:30 min rounds grapplng

1 min stand up
1 min grappling
1 min stand up
1 min grappling
1 min stand up

- the only thing you might not know (unless you've never done MMA, in which case you won't know anything. if this is true look up the exercises) is cage takedowns. this is just simply pushing the opponent against the cage, making it easier to take them down.

- if you don't have a partner you can simply pretend you are doing these techniques against an imaginary opponent or, what I do, find something you can practice on. (I have an exercise that I roll up and use)

- the last circuit is the most demanding so this is the one you are best to do on Sunday (day 7)

- when I say 1 speedy I mean do them as quick as possible, when I say strong I mean as hard as possible and on the bag do it against a heavy bag. if you don't have one or access to one, damn. do it in the air!

Thanks everyone! I'll post the leg workout I did two days ago now.

Friday 1 April 2011

My warm up and cool down

Hi everyone! this is the exact warm up and cool down I do, no matter what I'm working on, then I add some stretches more focused on what i'm working on. I'll give some examples after the main bit.

your warm up should be split into two parts: -
- getting your heart going
- stretching

So here it is!!!

getting your heart going:
1 min fast walking
1 min light jogging
30 seconds high knee jogging
30 seconds heel flick jogging
30 seconds side to side's
30 seconds side to side's (other way)
30 seconds faster pace jogging
4 stair sprints (up and down = 1, so if 3 story house up, up,down,down x2)

Stretching: 10-15 seconds each stretch
neck stretch - look up 10 seconds, right, left, down x2
trap stretch - hold your hands out in front and push out
chest stretch - hold your hands behind your back and push your chest out
shoulder stretch - one arm across your body, the other pulling it towards you, repeat other arm
arm circles - 5 one way 5 the other
tricep stretch - put one arm over your head, touching your back, and use the other to push the elbow down and keep your chin up.
wrist circles - 5 one way 5 the other
lat stretch - hand above your head, stretch to the opposite side, repeat with other side.
stomach and back stretch - lay face down on the floor, then straighten your arms, so they are vertical. then bend your knees and curl up into a ball, with your hands still stretched out. x2
hip circles - 5 one way 5 the other
opening the gate and closing the gate - lift your knee up to your stomach and then swing it to the side. reverse the movement to close it. do 5 opens, 5 closes and then another 5 opens
thigh stretch - lift your heel towards your bum and hold it with your hand, pulling back as you see fit.
hamstring stretch - have one leg straight, one leg bent and put weight on your bent knee, stretching the straight one, repeat with other leg.
calf stretch - stand almost in a lunge position but with your legs closer together and with flat feet.

for the cool down do high knee walking and heel flick walking, etc. do the same thing with the stretches but for opening and closing the gate do 5 closes, 5 opens and then 5 closes, it's a psychological thing that actually works. and do a bit more at the end, focusing on flexibility for a few mins.

I did an extremely difficult leg workout yesterday and this morning my legs didn't ache one bit. i'll post up the leg workout later. I know I talked about adding another week into the equation but I might change things up all together. i'll still post up the end of week B tomorrow as well as my leg workout I did yesterday.

Have a nice train, Bye!

Thursday 31 March 2011

Warming up and cooling down

Hi all! I don't want to sound like a stereotype here but warming up and cooling down is essential in training. Lot's of people say 'oh I don't have enough time to warm up or cool down'. the truth is, if you don't have enough time to warm up, you don't have enough time to workout. the same goes for cooling down. Now many people say the main reason for cooling up and warming down is to prevent injury. it is incredibly easy to pick up a minor injury during training. the most common ones are knee strains from squatting or dead lifting, wrist injurys (take me for example!) and pulled muscles. these injurys aren't serious and don't cause any long term damage, but they can prevent you from training for weeks (take me for example!). The main reason I'm saying you should warm up and cool down is that it significantly reduces aches and pains the day after training. If you carry on training, after not warming up and receiving aches, the aches will just get worse and worse. some aches are so severe they actually stop you from training. so, for those people who say they don't have time to warm up but they still wan't to complete the same amount of training, don't be stupid! in the short and long term, you'll actually train more if you just say 'I won't do my training today as I don't have enough time to warm up and cool down'.

that's all for today and I'll post something later showing my exact warm up and cool down. I've nearly perfected my warm up, the only strain I ever get after training is behind my knee's, I'll look up this before I post so I can show you guys the perfect warm up and cool down.


My Training - week B - day 1-5

i've decided to do 5 days of my training in week B - skill week - because there's not a lot I can talk about.

Monday: Muay Thai

Tuesday: Box-wrestle

Wednesday: MMA

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Grappling circuit
8 bent over rows
8 upright rows
8 overhead presses
8 good mornings
8 lunges (each side)
8 squat and presses

- this is originally a workout by randy couture. check it out!
the first 3 days are all classes at a club called ZT Fight Skool, so I can't really say what I do because it changes every time. we useally 'warm up' which is actually half of the class, it's basically just a workout. then we do techniques for the other half, then end with some competitive grappling or sparring.

That's all for now, i've got a few others things lined up.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

GSP's power circuits

This is a video for George St Pierre's (GSP) weight training, I'd call it power training, personally. enjoy!!!
As you saw it's a mix of circuits. I think this is a great way to train, pity I've nowhere to fit it in.... maybe a 4th  week!!! Nah just kidding. maybe every now and again i'll video me completing some workouts.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

My Training week A Day 5-7, training plans and notes

Hey people, this is a post showing the last 3 days of my training on week A. I completed day 1 yesterday and am doing day 4 instead of day 2 in a few hours, as it is less wrist strenuous. hopefully I'll be able to complete day 2 on Thursday (effectively switching day 2 and 4) if my wrist is better. I'm finally getting back to regular training, thank god. I've been doing this training for roughly 2 months now and I've decided to change things up, by adding another week into the equation - real anime training week (rat week for short, lol). I think I've mentioned the blog before

my plan for week C is to pick 5 random workouts from this blog. the reason I've decided to do this is the workouts are generally fun (yes, fun. hard but fun. extremely hard but extrem- no just fun) and are more to do with power, which is essential for MMA. the author himself hand had a few amateur fights, so he knows what he's talking about. check out the blog!
Anyway, here's the next 3 days of week A:

Day 5:OFF

Day 6: triceps, biceps, forearms and traps
barbell shrugs 3x10 - 20kg
alternating hammer curls 3x20 - 4.5kg
concentration curls 3x15 (each) - 4.5kg
barbell curls 3x6 - 20kg
alternating tricep extensions 3x30 - 4.5kg
tricep kickbacks 3x20 - 4.5kg
skull crushers 3x6 - 20kg
50 hand grips
20 wrist curls - 4.5kg
20 wrist twists - 4.5kg
20 reverse wrist twists - 4.5kg
wrist curls 2x6 - 20kg

- hand grips are the little bars that you squeeze together, they come in various strengths and 50 is very hard for my one. if you have a particularly strong or weak one then adjust the reps as you see fit. If you do not have one then it is fine, as it is not essential.
- wrist twists are when you hold a dumbbell at your sides, palm facing yourself, then twisting your forearms so  the palms are facing out. try to twist your forearm only, trying not to bend your elbow or arm. reverse twist are the same but if you went clockwise for twists, you go anti-clockwise for reverse twists.

Day 7: OFF

Now I realise I haven't said anything about rest, so here's the usual trend i stick to:
1:30 minutes rest between sets
2:00 minute rest between sets using barbell (20kg weight)
no rest inbetween exercises in the 'circuits'
1 minute rest inbetween circuit's

That's all for now, I'll post exactly what I'll be doing on week C - rat week after I discuss week B

Monday 28 March 2011

My Training - Week A - Day 3-4

Hi everyone!

this is my 3rd and 4th day of training of week A, enjoy!

Day 3 - OFF

Day 4 - Core
bicycle crunches 3x20
dorsal raises 30
medicine ball slams 3x20 - 3kg
oblique sit ups 3x20 (10 each)
Turkish get ups 3x5 (each side) - 3kg
medicine ball wood chops 3x10 - 3kg
cross wood chops 3x20 (10 each) - 3kg
sledgehammer swings 3x20 - 4.5kg (i don't have a sledgehammer, i use a dumbbell)
hanging leg raisers 3x5
dead lift 3x10 - 20kg

- Turkish get ups are when you lay flat on your back, holding a medicine ball in one outstretched hand and trying to get up as quickly as possible.
- if you do have a sledgehammer, great! use it.

thanks a lot and i'll be doing the last 3 days of week 1 next time as 2 of them are rest days.

Sunday 27 March 2011

My Training: Week A day 1 and 2

Hi all!

I'll start of by saying - I was right! Davis dominated Nogueira from start to finish, I was a little disappointed Davis didn't end the fight via T/KO or submission but he performed well for the new generation.

Anyway I'll be sharing what I do on days 1 and 2 on week A - the strength week.

Day 1: Legs
Squats 6x14,14,14,12,12,12 - 4.5Kg
Lunges 3x20 (10 each side) - 4.5Kg
Squats 2x8 - 20Kg
Seated calf raises 3x20,18,16 - 20Kg
5 min rest
10 plyo squats
10 plyo lunges
10 plyo calf jumps

- plyo squats are done by crossing your arms, squating done normally and jumping up as far as you can, as explosively as you can.
- plyo lunges are done by lunging normally and swinging your arms back, then you jump and switch legs and swinging your arms forward, then landing with your arms back where they started.
- plyo calf jumps are done by doing a normal calf raise (standing) but when your at the top of the raise, you jump.
- the 4.5Kg weights are the heaviest I have in dumbbells and I can't add any weight to my 20Kg Olympic barbell because the collars don't work. heavier dumbbells and spring collars are on my 'to buy' list.

Day 2: Chest, Shoulders, Upper Back and Lats
Wide grip pull up 4x6
Chest press 6x16,16,14,14,12,12 - 20 Kg
Flys 3x20 - 4.5Kg
Perfect push ups 3x8
Dorsal raises 30
Lateral raises 3x12 - 4.5Kg
Front raises 3x12 - 4.5Kg
DB rows 3x25 (each side) - 4.5Kg
Side bends 3x20 (10 each) - 4.5Kg
Bent over rows 3x8 - 20Kg
Upright rows 3x8 - 20Kg
Behind the back rows 3x8 - 20 kg

- This was originally just a chest and shoulder workout but I realised many of the original exercises trained other parts of the body, so I added dorsal raises and side bends.
- Perfect push ups are a brand of push up bars that twist when you go down. i realise not many people would have this so an other idea, to work similar muscles, is DB push ups. There are done by getting in the press up position, but holding dumbbells, and rolling the dumbells to the side while going down.
- The reason I underlined the pull in wide grip pull ups is because many people will do wide grip chin ups afterwards. yes, there is a difference. in chin ups you pull yourself up with an underhand grip and in pull ups you do it with an overhand grip.
- Side bends are done just like the stretch but with a weight in your hand.
-Behind the back rows are exactly how they sound. you start with the weight behind your back then you raise it like a row. this exercise can be very awkward. you'll see when you try.
- I believe the other exercises are pretty well known but if there not, google it.

My wrist still isn't better after weeks of rest, so I'll probably have to rest it next week to, which sucks.
Thanks a bunch!!!

Saturday 26 March 2011

UFC 128 thoughts

Hi all!

I've taken some time out of my day to discuss the latest edition of UFC.I'll be honest, I've seen better matches. most ended in a decision but there was a fight that was  true eye-opener, the main event - Shogun vs Jon Jones.
It wasn't the most even of fights as Jon Jones battered the light heavyweight champion Shogun, from start to finish. He showed unreal fighting ability and incredible strength. Which made me realise, to quote dragonball, there's a new era dawning. There are many upcoming younger fighters who have prevailed against the older, more experienced fighters. Jon Jones and Junior dos Santos spring to mind as well as Phil Davis, or Mr wonderful, who I'm sure will beat the older, more experience Nogueira. If he does I think that'll spark the official start of the new era. 

It's funny me saying this as I'm sure others will say the same when my generation break through!

I may have something else lined up for today, but if not, the day day after,
Thanks alot!!!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

MMA drill

Hi all!

this is an extremely short training drill to increase general muscles used in MMA and increase your chin (how easily you can get knocked out). All the exercises are done with a medicine ball. So here it is!!

10 wood-chops
20 cross wood-chops (10 each side)
10 bicep chin-knock curls

- wood-chops are executed by holding the medicine ball above your head and swing down (as if chopping wood) then repeating. Make it harder by throwing the ball in the air after raising the medicine ball back up in the air.

- cross wood-chops are executed by holding the medicine ball above your head and to the side, then swinging down to your opposite side, bringing it up vertically and then swinging down to the opposite side again. You'll end up doing 10 each side and make it harder by throwing the medicine ball in the air, again.

- bicep chin-knock curls are executed by doing a simple bicep curl but, when at the top of the curl, you knock your self lightly in the chin with the medicine ball. don't do it too hard but make sure you can feel it.

- there is no rest in between exercises so don't drop the medicine ball until you've completed all of the exercises, then rest for 2 mins in between sets. do 2-6 sets, depending on your fitness. when this is easy, raise the weight of the medicine ball.

- if you do not have a medicine ball, or access to one, you can use a dumbbell.

Thanks a lot guys!!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Training and Fighting blog

Hi all!

there are a number of reasons I decided to start this blog: -
- to have a permanent log of my own training
- to share a few workouts and training techniques with you guy's, specifically for fighting (MMA)
- to give opinions and discuss recent fights and your own training with all of you

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not incredibly strong as of now. I've always been relatively fit and healthy and I take part in MMA, Muay thai and box-wrestle class's at my local (or not so local - it's an hour and a half's walk away) fighting gym. I'm only 15 but my true dream is to be a mixed martial artist when I'm older. This is not just a random idea, I've been wanting to do it since I was 12 and have been training on and off for 3 years now. I have matured greatly since then and am ready to get right down to it. Despite being a 'kid', I do p.e as an option at school and have researched endless amounts of training tips.

My basic schedule at the moment is split into two weeks:
Week A - strength week
Week B - skill week

in week A I focus on strength by lifting weights and generally training my body. I do a split workout 4 days a week containing weight training, plyometrics and circuits.

in week B I do 3 classes (MMA, Muay Thai and Box-Wrestle) and do various circuits to strengthen my grappling and the speed and power of my punches, as well as practising techniques I have learned

as of this moment I actually have a fractured wrist, preventing me from putting any weight on it at all, obviously limiting the training I can do. I'm going to rest it the whole of this week, from my normal regime, and just do random circuits that I'm able to.

I have a few things lined up for this week as well as putting my exact training. Might be a busy week
Many thanks!!!