Thursday 31 March 2011

Warming up and cooling down

Hi all! I don't want to sound like a stereotype here but warming up and cooling down is essential in training. Lot's of people say 'oh I don't have enough time to warm up or cool down'. the truth is, if you don't have enough time to warm up, you don't have enough time to workout. the same goes for cooling down. Now many people say the main reason for cooling up and warming down is to prevent injury. it is incredibly easy to pick up a minor injury during training. the most common ones are knee strains from squatting or dead lifting, wrist injurys (take me for example!) and pulled muscles. these injurys aren't serious and don't cause any long term damage, but they can prevent you from training for weeks (take me for example!). The main reason I'm saying you should warm up and cool down is that it significantly reduces aches and pains the day after training. If you carry on training, after not warming up and receiving aches, the aches will just get worse and worse. some aches are so severe they actually stop you from training. so, for those people who say they don't have time to warm up but they still wan't to complete the same amount of training, don't be stupid! in the short and long term, you'll actually train more if you just say 'I won't do my training today as I don't have enough time to warm up and cool down'.

that's all for today and I'll post something later showing my exact warm up and cool down. I've nearly perfected my warm up, the only strain I ever get after training is behind my knee's, I'll look up this before I post so I can show you guys the perfect warm up and cool down.


My Training - week B - day 1-5

i've decided to do 5 days of my training in week B - skill week - because there's not a lot I can talk about.

Monday: Muay Thai

Tuesday: Box-wrestle

Wednesday: MMA

Thursday: OFF

Friday: Grappling circuit
8 bent over rows
8 upright rows
8 overhead presses
8 good mornings
8 lunges (each side)
8 squat and presses

- this is originally a workout by randy couture. check it out!
the first 3 days are all classes at a club called ZT Fight Skool, so I can't really say what I do because it changes every time. we useally 'warm up' which is actually half of the class, it's basically just a workout. then we do techniques for the other half, then end with some competitive grappling or sparring.

That's all for now, i've got a few others things lined up.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

GSP's power circuits

This is a video for George St Pierre's (GSP) weight training, I'd call it power training, personally. enjoy!!!
As you saw it's a mix of circuits. I think this is a great way to train, pity I've nowhere to fit it in.... maybe a 4th  week!!! Nah just kidding. maybe every now and again i'll video me completing some workouts.

Tuesday 29 March 2011

My Training week A Day 5-7, training plans and notes

Hey people, this is a post showing the last 3 days of my training on week A. I completed day 1 yesterday and am doing day 4 instead of day 2 in a few hours, as it is less wrist strenuous. hopefully I'll be able to complete day 2 on Thursday (effectively switching day 2 and 4) if my wrist is better. I'm finally getting back to regular training, thank god. I've been doing this training for roughly 2 months now and I've decided to change things up, by adding another week into the equation - real anime training week (rat week for short, lol). I think I've mentioned the blog before

my plan for week C is to pick 5 random workouts from this blog. the reason I've decided to do this is the workouts are generally fun (yes, fun. hard but fun. extremely hard but extrem- no just fun) and are more to do with power, which is essential for MMA. the author himself hand had a few amateur fights, so he knows what he's talking about. check out the blog!
Anyway, here's the next 3 days of week A:

Day 5:OFF

Day 6: triceps, biceps, forearms and traps
barbell shrugs 3x10 - 20kg
alternating hammer curls 3x20 - 4.5kg
concentration curls 3x15 (each) - 4.5kg
barbell curls 3x6 - 20kg
alternating tricep extensions 3x30 - 4.5kg
tricep kickbacks 3x20 - 4.5kg
skull crushers 3x6 - 20kg
50 hand grips
20 wrist curls - 4.5kg
20 wrist twists - 4.5kg
20 reverse wrist twists - 4.5kg
wrist curls 2x6 - 20kg

- hand grips are the little bars that you squeeze together, they come in various strengths and 50 is very hard for my one. if you have a particularly strong or weak one then adjust the reps as you see fit. If you do not have one then it is fine, as it is not essential.
- wrist twists are when you hold a dumbbell at your sides, palm facing yourself, then twisting your forearms so  the palms are facing out. try to twist your forearm only, trying not to bend your elbow or arm. reverse twist are the same but if you went clockwise for twists, you go anti-clockwise for reverse twists.

Day 7: OFF

Now I realise I haven't said anything about rest, so here's the usual trend i stick to:
1:30 minutes rest between sets
2:00 minute rest between sets using barbell (20kg weight)
no rest inbetween exercises in the 'circuits'
1 minute rest inbetween circuit's

That's all for now, I'll post exactly what I'll be doing on week C - rat week after I discuss week B

Monday 28 March 2011

My Training - Week A - Day 3-4

Hi everyone!

this is my 3rd and 4th day of training of week A, enjoy!

Day 3 - OFF

Day 4 - Core
bicycle crunches 3x20
dorsal raises 30
medicine ball slams 3x20 - 3kg
oblique sit ups 3x20 (10 each)
Turkish get ups 3x5 (each side) - 3kg
medicine ball wood chops 3x10 - 3kg
cross wood chops 3x20 (10 each) - 3kg
sledgehammer swings 3x20 - 4.5kg (i don't have a sledgehammer, i use a dumbbell)
hanging leg raisers 3x5
dead lift 3x10 - 20kg

- Turkish get ups are when you lay flat on your back, holding a medicine ball in one outstretched hand and trying to get up as quickly as possible.
- if you do have a sledgehammer, great! use it.

thanks a lot and i'll be doing the last 3 days of week 1 next time as 2 of them are rest days.

Sunday 27 March 2011

My Training: Week A day 1 and 2

Hi all!

I'll start of by saying - I was right! Davis dominated Nogueira from start to finish, I was a little disappointed Davis didn't end the fight via T/KO or submission but he performed well for the new generation.

Anyway I'll be sharing what I do on days 1 and 2 on week A - the strength week.

Day 1: Legs
Squats 6x14,14,14,12,12,12 - 4.5Kg
Lunges 3x20 (10 each side) - 4.5Kg
Squats 2x8 - 20Kg
Seated calf raises 3x20,18,16 - 20Kg
5 min rest
10 plyo squats
10 plyo lunges
10 plyo calf jumps

- plyo squats are done by crossing your arms, squating done normally and jumping up as far as you can, as explosively as you can.
- plyo lunges are done by lunging normally and swinging your arms back, then you jump and switch legs and swinging your arms forward, then landing with your arms back where they started.
- plyo calf jumps are done by doing a normal calf raise (standing) but when your at the top of the raise, you jump.
- the 4.5Kg weights are the heaviest I have in dumbbells and I can't add any weight to my 20Kg Olympic barbell because the collars don't work. heavier dumbbells and spring collars are on my 'to buy' list.

Day 2: Chest, Shoulders, Upper Back and Lats
Wide grip pull up 4x6
Chest press 6x16,16,14,14,12,12 - 20 Kg
Flys 3x20 - 4.5Kg
Perfect push ups 3x8
Dorsal raises 30
Lateral raises 3x12 - 4.5Kg
Front raises 3x12 - 4.5Kg
DB rows 3x25 (each side) - 4.5Kg
Side bends 3x20 (10 each) - 4.5Kg
Bent over rows 3x8 - 20Kg
Upright rows 3x8 - 20Kg
Behind the back rows 3x8 - 20 kg

- This was originally just a chest and shoulder workout but I realised many of the original exercises trained other parts of the body, so I added dorsal raises and side bends.
- Perfect push ups are a brand of push up bars that twist when you go down. i realise not many people would have this so an other idea, to work similar muscles, is DB push ups. There are done by getting in the press up position, but holding dumbbells, and rolling the dumbells to the side while going down.
- The reason I underlined the pull in wide grip pull ups is because many people will do wide grip chin ups afterwards. yes, there is a difference. in chin ups you pull yourself up with an underhand grip and in pull ups you do it with an overhand grip.
- Side bends are done just like the stretch but with a weight in your hand.
-Behind the back rows are exactly how they sound. you start with the weight behind your back then you raise it like a row. this exercise can be very awkward. you'll see when you try.
- I believe the other exercises are pretty well known but if there not, google it.

My wrist still isn't better after weeks of rest, so I'll probably have to rest it next week to, which sucks.
Thanks a bunch!!!

Saturday 26 March 2011

UFC 128 thoughts

Hi all!

I've taken some time out of my day to discuss the latest edition of UFC.I'll be honest, I've seen better matches. most ended in a decision but there was a fight that was  true eye-opener, the main event - Shogun vs Jon Jones.
It wasn't the most even of fights as Jon Jones battered the light heavyweight champion Shogun, from start to finish. He showed unreal fighting ability and incredible strength. Which made me realise, to quote dragonball, there's a new era dawning. There are many upcoming younger fighters who have prevailed against the older, more experienced fighters. Jon Jones and Junior dos Santos spring to mind as well as Phil Davis, or Mr wonderful, who I'm sure will beat the older, more experience Nogueira. If he does I think that'll spark the official start of the new era. 

It's funny me saying this as I'm sure others will say the same when my generation break through!

I may have something else lined up for today, but if not, the day day after,
Thanks alot!!!

Wednesday 23 March 2011

MMA drill

Hi all!

this is an extremely short training drill to increase general muscles used in MMA and increase your chin (how easily you can get knocked out). All the exercises are done with a medicine ball. So here it is!!

10 wood-chops
20 cross wood-chops (10 each side)
10 bicep chin-knock curls

- wood-chops are executed by holding the medicine ball above your head and swing down (as if chopping wood) then repeating. Make it harder by throwing the ball in the air after raising the medicine ball back up in the air.

- cross wood-chops are executed by holding the medicine ball above your head and to the side, then swinging down to your opposite side, bringing it up vertically and then swinging down to the opposite side again. You'll end up doing 10 each side and make it harder by throwing the medicine ball in the air, again.

- bicep chin-knock curls are executed by doing a simple bicep curl but, when at the top of the curl, you knock your self lightly in the chin with the medicine ball. don't do it too hard but make sure you can feel it.

- there is no rest in between exercises so don't drop the medicine ball until you've completed all of the exercises, then rest for 2 mins in between sets. do 2-6 sets, depending on your fitness. when this is easy, raise the weight of the medicine ball.

- if you do not have a medicine ball, or access to one, you can use a dumbbell.

Thanks a lot guys!!

Tuesday 22 March 2011

The Training and Fighting blog

Hi all!

there are a number of reasons I decided to start this blog: -
- to have a permanent log of my own training
- to share a few workouts and training techniques with you guy's, specifically for fighting (MMA)
- to give opinions and discuss recent fights and your own training with all of you

I'm not gonna lie, I'm not incredibly strong as of now. I've always been relatively fit and healthy and I take part in MMA, Muay thai and box-wrestle class's at my local (or not so local - it's an hour and a half's walk away) fighting gym. I'm only 15 but my true dream is to be a mixed martial artist when I'm older. This is not just a random idea, I've been wanting to do it since I was 12 and have been training on and off for 3 years now. I have matured greatly since then and am ready to get right down to it. Despite being a 'kid', I do p.e as an option at school and have researched endless amounts of training tips.

My basic schedule at the moment is split into two weeks:
Week A - strength week
Week B - skill week

in week A I focus on strength by lifting weights and generally training my body. I do a split workout 4 days a week containing weight training, plyometrics and circuits.

in week B I do 3 classes (MMA, Muay Thai and Box-Wrestle) and do various circuits to strengthen my grappling and the speed and power of my punches, as well as practising techniques I have learned

as of this moment I actually have a fractured wrist, preventing me from putting any weight on it at all, obviously limiting the training I can do. I'm going to rest it the whole of this week, from my normal regime, and just do random circuits that I'm able to.

I have a few things lined up for this week as well as putting my exact training. Might be a busy week
Many thanks!!!