Tuesday 29 March 2011

My Training week A Day 5-7, training plans and notes

Hey people, this is a post showing the last 3 days of my training on week A. I completed day 1 yesterday and am doing day 4 instead of day 2 in a few hours, as it is less wrist strenuous. hopefully I'll be able to complete day 2 on Thursday (effectively switching day 2 and 4) if my wrist is better. I'm finally getting back to regular training, thank god. I've been doing this training for roughly 2 months now and I've decided to change things up, by adding another week into the equation - real anime training week (rat week for short, lol). I think I've mentioned the blog before


my plan for week C is to pick 5 random workouts from this blog. the reason I've decided to do this is the workouts are generally fun (yes, fun. hard but fun. extremely hard but extrem- no just fun) and are more to do with power, which is essential for MMA. the author himself hand had a few amateur fights, so he knows what he's talking about. check out the blog!
Anyway, here's the next 3 days of week A:

Day 5:OFF

Day 6: triceps, biceps, forearms and traps
barbell shrugs 3x10 - 20kg
alternating hammer curls 3x20 - 4.5kg
concentration curls 3x15 (each) - 4.5kg
barbell curls 3x6 - 20kg
alternating tricep extensions 3x30 - 4.5kg
tricep kickbacks 3x20 - 4.5kg
skull crushers 3x6 - 20kg
50 hand grips
20 wrist curls - 4.5kg
20 wrist twists - 4.5kg
20 reverse wrist twists - 4.5kg
wrist curls 2x6 - 20kg

- hand grips are the little bars that you squeeze together, they come in various strengths and 50 is very hard for my one. if you have a particularly strong or weak one then adjust the reps as you see fit. If you do not have one then it is fine, as it is not essential.
- wrist twists are when you hold a dumbbell at your sides, palm facing yourself, then twisting your forearms so  the palms are facing out. try to twist your forearm only, trying not to bend your elbow or arm. reverse twist are the same but if you went clockwise for twists, you go anti-clockwise for reverse twists.

Day 7: OFF

Now I realise I haven't said anything about rest, so here's the usual trend i stick to:
1:30 minutes rest between sets
2:00 minute rest between sets using barbell (20kg weight)
no rest inbetween exercises in the 'circuits'
1 minute rest inbetween circuit's

That's all for now, I'll post exactly what I'll be doing on week C - rat week after I discuss week B

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