Sunday 27 March 2011

My Training: Week A day 1 and 2

Hi all!

I'll start of by saying - I was right! Davis dominated Nogueira from start to finish, I was a little disappointed Davis didn't end the fight via T/KO or submission but he performed well for the new generation.

Anyway I'll be sharing what I do on days 1 and 2 on week A - the strength week.

Day 1: Legs
Squats 6x14,14,14,12,12,12 - 4.5Kg
Lunges 3x20 (10 each side) - 4.5Kg
Squats 2x8 - 20Kg
Seated calf raises 3x20,18,16 - 20Kg
5 min rest
10 plyo squats
10 plyo lunges
10 plyo calf jumps

- plyo squats are done by crossing your arms, squating done normally and jumping up as far as you can, as explosively as you can.
- plyo lunges are done by lunging normally and swinging your arms back, then you jump and switch legs and swinging your arms forward, then landing with your arms back where they started.
- plyo calf jumps are done by doing a normal calf raise (standing) but when your at the top of the raise, you jump.
- the 4.5Kg weights are the heaviest I have in dumbbells and I can't add any weight to my 20Kg Olympic barbell because the collars don't work. heavier dumbbells and spring collars are on my 'to buy' list.

Day 2: Chest, Shoulders, Upper Back and Lats
Wide grip pull up 4x6
Chest press 6x16,16,14,14,12,12 - 20 Kg
Flys 3x20 - 4.5Kg
Perfect push ups 3x8
Dorsal raises 30
Lateral raises 3x12 - 4.5Kg
Front raises 3x12 - 4.5Kg
DB rows 3x25 (each side) - 4.5Kg
Side bends 3x20 (10 each) - 4.5Kg
Bent over rows 3x8 - 20Kg
Upright rows 3x8 - 20Kg
Behind the back rows 3x8 - 20 kg

- This was originally just a chest and shoulder workout but I realised many of the original exercises trained other parts of the body, so I added dorsal raises and side bends.
- Perfect push ups are a brand of push up bars that twist when you go down. i realise not many people would have this so an other idea, to work similar muscles, is DB push ups. There are done by getting in the press up position, but holding dumbbells, and rolling the dumbells to the side while going down.
- The reason I underlined the pull in wide grip pull ups is because many people will do wide grip chin ups afterwards. yes, there is a difference. in chin ups you pull yourself up with an underhand grip and in pull ups you do it with an overhand grip.
- Side bends are done just like the stretch but with a weight in your hand.
-Behind the back rows are exactly how they sound. you start with the weight behind your back then you raise it like a row. this exercise can be very awkward. you'll see when you try.
- I believe the other exercises are pretty well known but if there not, google it.

My wrist still isn't better after weeks of rest, so I'll probably have to rest it next week to, which sucks.
Thanks a bunch!!!

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