Wednesday 6 April 2011

F.G.B Training

F.G.B is a type of training devised by crossfit. F.G.B stands for 'fight gone bad' because there are 5 5minute rounds but instead of fighting for 5 minutes, its 5 1 minute periods of exercising. one Cross fit one is:

1min pull ups
1min press ups
1min wall ball
1min sit up
1min kettle bell swings

It's generally 5. you have a 1min rest in between each round. A lot of MMA fighters use this method of training as well, Brock Lesnar and Sean Sherk come to mind, but they take it to the extreme by doing a different exercise for every minute. Here's one i came up with, working the whole body:

1min sledgehammer swings to a tire
1min tire flips
1min plyo push ups
1min bear crawl
1min rope climb
1min rest

1min Fedor punching
1min bag flips
1min power ball left hand
1min power ball right hand
1min Fedor punching
1min rest

1min box jumps
1min step ups
1min skipping
1min plyo squats
1min cycling (as hard as possible)
1min rest

1min ab wheels
1min wrestlers bridge
1min ab wheels
1min gymnast bridge
1min plank
1min rest

5min rowing (hard as possible)

- Fedor punching:
i'm sure this has another name but i have no idea what, comment to let me know!

- this is a full body workout that i may implement into my new training plan. Maybe a few times a week.

- the power ball is one of those hand held things that you shake.

Thanks a lot!

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